Capstone Green Energy Corporation is a leading provider of customized microgrid solutions and on-site energy technology systems focused on helping customers around the globe meet their carbon reduction, energy savings and resiliency goals. Capstone Green Energy focuses on four key business segments. Through its Energy as a Service (EaaS) business, it offers rental solutions for its microturbine energy systems and battery storage systems as well as aftermarket parts and comprehensive service contracts through a comprehensive Factory Protection Plan (FPP) product. Energy Conversion Products are driven by the company’s industry-leading, highly efficient, low-emission, resilient microturbine energy systems offering scalable solutions in addition to a broad range of customer-tailored solutions, including hybrid energy systems and larger frame industrial turbines Baker Hughes. The Energy Storage Products segment designs and installs microgrid storage systems creating customized solutions using a combination of battery technologies and monitoring software. Through Hydrogen Energy Solutions, Capstone Green Energy offers customers a variety of hydrogen products, including the company’s microturbine energy system. For more information, call 02-168-3193-5 #109 and Hotline 091-187-1111 or Line ID: @multiphasepower (available 24 hours a day)

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Capstone Green Energy Corporation is a leading provider of customized microgrid solutions and on-site energy technology systems focused on helping customers around the globe meet their carbon reduction, energy savings and resiliency goals. Capstone offers a comprehensive lineup of clean-and-green microturbines that are scalable from 10kW to 30MW and can operate on a variety of gaseous or liquid fuels including: Natural Gas, Associated Gas, LPG/Propane, Flare Gas, Landfill Gas, Digester Gas, Diesel, Aviation Fuel and Kerosene. Capstone microturbines are the ideal solution for today’s distributed generation needs.


Capstone Green Energy Corporation is a leading provider of customized microgrid solutions and on-site energy technology systems focused on helping customers around the globe meet their carbon reduction, energy savings and resiliency goals. Capstone offers a comprehensive lineup of clean-and-green microturbines that are scalable from 10kW to 30MW and can operate on a variety of gaseous or liquid fuels including: Natural Gas, Associated Gas, LPG/Propane, Flare Gas, Landfill Gas, Digester Gas, Diesel, Aviation Fuel and Kerosene. Capstone microturbines are the ideal solution for today’s distributed generation needs.


Microturbine c600S
The C600S provides up to 600kw of electric power and contains three air bearing microturbines. Compact modular design allows for easy, low-cost installation.


Microturbine c800S

The C800S provides up to 800kw of electric power and contains four air bearing microturbines. The Signature Series Microturbine provides ultra-low emissions and reliable electrical/thermal generation from natural gas.


Microturbine c1000S

The C1000S provides up to 1MW of electric power and contains five air bearing microturbines. Up to 30 C1000S microturbines can be connected in parallel to generate up to 30MW of electrical power.