Crestchic Loadbanks is based in Burton Upon Trent, UK and has sales and rental offices around the world. Since 1983, Crestchic has remained the world’s largest specialised load bank manufacturer and load bank rental company. Crestchic’s load banks can be purchased or rented world wide. Crestchic has the expertise and capability to develop tailor-made testing solutions that meet all your requirements, wherever you are. From standard size resistive and reactive load banks or custom-designed and built load banks of any size at any voltage and frequency. No other company specialises in worldwide load bank supply like Crestchic. In fact, Crestchic load banks have been operationally successful in all seven continents and are reliably testing power supplies every day in locations and climates all round the world, from temperate to jungle, desert to snow, off-shore to high altitude

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